

Biodiversity and Conservation mock test 1

 Biodiversity and Conservation - live session - 5th Dec 2020


Which of the following taxon shows maximum species diversity?

1. Fishes

2. Beetles

3. Ants

4. Orchids


More conservative and scientifically sound estimate made by Robert May places

the global species diversity at about

1. 1.5 million

2. 7 million

3. 1.7 million

4. 17 million


In the following pie chart of global invertebrate diversity, what does A and B


1. A- Molluscs, B - Crustaceans

2. A- Insects, B - Molluscs

3. A - Crustaceans, B - Molluscs

4. A- Molluscs, B - Insects


Conventional taxonomic methods are not suitable for identifying

1. Amphibian species

2. Insect species

3. Microbial species

4. Gymnospermic species


India has ____ % of the world's land area, its share of the global species diversity

is an impressive ____ % .

1. 8.1, 2.4

2. 22, 12

3. 12, 22

4. 2.4, 8.1


Select incorrect statement w.r.t. greater biological diversity in tropics

(A) Tropical latitudes have remained relatively undisturbed for millions of years

and thus had a long evolutionary time for species diversification.

(B) Tropical environments are more seasonal and less predictable than temperates.

(C) There is more solar energy available which contributes to higher productivity.

1. (A) & (B)

2. Only (B)

3. (B) &(C) 

4. Only (A)


Relationship between species richness (S) and area (A) represented in the

following graph is described by the equation


1. log S = log A + Z log C

2. log S = log C + Z log A

3. log C = log A + S log A

4. log C = log S + Z log A



Species-area relationships among very large areas like the entire continents the Z

values in the range of

1. 0.1 to 0.2

2. 1.15

3. 0.3 to 0.6

4. 0.6 to 1.2



Which of the following ecologist gave 'rivet popper' hypothesis?

1. David Tillman

2. Alexander Von Humboldt

3. Robert May

4. Paul Ehrlich



Match the column l with column ll

    Column l            Column ll

a. Thylacine               (i) Russia

b. Dodo                     (ii) Mauritius

c. Quagga                 (iii) Australia

d. Steller's sea cow    (iv) Africa

1. a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv)

2. a(iv), b(i), c(ii), d(iii)

3. a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i)

4. a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i)


IUCN Red List (2004) documents the extinction of    A    species in the last    B    years.

1. A - 500, B - 300

2. A - 784, B - 500

3. A - 654, B - 500

4. A - 984, B - 300


Loss of biodiversity in a region may lead to all of the following, except

1. Decline in plant production

2. Lowered resistance to environment perturbations

3. Increased variability in certain ecosystem processes

4. Increased endemism


The Evil Quartet represents the major causes of

1. Soil pollution

2. Inbreeding depression

3. Biodiversity losses

4. Air pollution


Which of the following is the most important cause driving animals and plants to extinction?

1. Alien species invasions

2. Co-extinctions

3. Habitat loss and fragmentation

4. Over-exploitation


Extinction of more than 200 species of cichlid fish in lake Victoria was due to introduction of

1. African catfish

2. Nile perch

3. Clarias gariepinus

4. Lantana


More than ______% of the drugs currently sold in the market worldwide are derived from plants.

1. 70

2. 25

3. 90

4. 55


The fast dwindling    A    forest is estimated to

produce     B    percent of the total  oxygen in earth's atmosphere.

1. A - Siberian, B - 30

2. A - Temperate, B - 20

3. A - Alpine, B - 15

4. A - Amazon, B - 20



How many biodiversity hot spots have been identified in the world?

1. 30

2. 3

3. 34

4. 20


"When we conserve and protect the whole ecosystem, its biodiversity at all levels is protected." This approach includes all of the following, except

1. Biosphere reserves

2. Seed bank

3. National parks

4. Sanctuaries


Gametes of threatened species can be preserved in viable and fertile condition for long periods using

1. Wildlife safari parks

2. On-site conservation

3. Cryopreservation

4. Botanical gardens


Which is not true regarding genetic diversity?

1. It enables a population to adapt to its environment

2. It is also basis of speciation

3. Ecotype formation depends upon it

4. Higher diversity increases uniformity


Which is not a reason of maximum diversity in tropics?

1. Higher pest pressure

2. Evolutionary older zone

3. High rate of out crossing

4. Greater environmental variations


Read the following statements:

(A) Tropics harbour more species than temperate or polar areas.

(B) Colombia located near the equator has nearly 1400 species of birds.

(C) India has less than 105 species of birds.

1. (A) & (B) are incorrect

2. (B) & (C) are incorrect

3. (A) & (C) are incorrect

4. Only (C) is incorrect


Amazonian rain forest in South America is home to more than    A     species of plants and     B     species of fishes.

1. A - 3,000, B - 40,000

2. A - 1500, B - 2,500

3. A - 40,000, B - 3,000

4. A - 427, B - 378


Which sample area shows maximum diversity?







According to IUCN, when a taxon is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future, it is

1. Extinct in wild

2. Endangered

3. Critically endangered

4. Vulnerable


Exotic species Eichhornia crassipes

1. Was introduced by Europeans in India

2. Was introduced in India accidentally

3. Was introduced in Lake Victoria of South Africa

4. Is astraggling shrub of tropical America


The species confined to a particular region and not found elsewhere is termed as: 

1. Rare

2. Keystone

3. Alien

4. Endemic


Which one of the following areas in India, is a hotspot of biodiversity ? 

1. Sunderbans

2. Western Ghats

3. Eastern Ghats

4. Gangetic Plain


Sacred groves are specially useful in 

1. Generating environmental awareness

2. Preventing soil erosion

3. Year-round flow of water in rivers

4. Conserving rare and threatened species


Which one of the following shows maximum genetic diversity in India? 

1. Mango

2. Groundnut

3. Rice

4. Maize


A renewable exhaustible natural resource is 

1. Forest

2. Coal

3. Petroleum

4. Minerals


Tiger is not a resident in which one of the following national park ? 

1. Sunderbans

2. Gir

3. Jim Corbett

4. Ranthambhor


Which of the following pairs of an animal and a plant represents endangered

organisms in India ?

1. Bentinckia nicobarica and red panda

2. Tamarind and rhesus monkey

3. Cinchona and leopard

4. Banyan and black buck


One of the most important functions of botanical gardens is that 

1. One can observe tropical plants there

2. They allow ex situ conservation of germplasm

3. They provide the natural habitat for wild life

4. They provide a beautiful area for recreation


Biodiversity act of India was passed by the Parliament in the year 

1. 1996

2. 1992

3. 2002

4. 2000


Which group of vertebrates comprises the high number of endangered species ?

1. Mammals

2. Fishes

3. Reptiles

4. Birds


World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002) was held in

1. South Africa

2. Brazil

3. Sweden

4. Argentina


In your opinion, which is the most effective way to conserve the plant diversity of an area?

1. By tissue culture method

2. By creating biosphere reserve

3. By creating botanical garden

4. By developing seed bank

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