NCERT Books for Class 12 Physics – English Medium
- Chapter 1: Electric Charges and Fields
- Chapter 2: Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
- Chapter 3: Current Electricity
- Chapter 4: Moving Charges and Magnetism
- Chapter 5: Magnetism and Matter
- Chapter 6: Electromagnetic Induction
- Chapter 7: Alternating Current
- Chapter 8: Electromagnetic Waves
- Chapter 9: Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
- Chapter 10: Wave Optics
- Chapter 11: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
- Chapter 12: Atoms
- Chapter 13: Nuclei
- Chapter 14: Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devises and Simple Circuits
- Chapter 15: Communication System
- Answers Part 1
- Answers Part 2
NCERT Books for Class 12 Physics – Hindi Medium
भौतिकी (भाग 1 तथा भाग 2)
- अध्याय 1: वैधुत आवेश तथा क्षेत्र
- अध्याय 2: स्थिर वैधुत विभव तथा धारिता
- अध्याय 3: विधुत धारा
- अध्याय 4: गतिमान आवेश और चुंबकत्व
- अध्याय 5: चुंबकत्व एवं द्रव्य
- अध्याय 6: वैधुतचुंबकीय प्रेरण
- अध्याय 7: प्रत्यावर्ती धारा
- अध्याय 8: वैधुतचुंबकीय तरंगे
- अध्याय 9: किरण प्रकाशिकी एवं प्रकाशिक यंत्र
- अध्याय 10: तरंग – प्रकाशिकी
- अध्याय 11: विकिरण तथा द्रव्य की द्वैत प्रकृति
- अध्याय 12: परमाणु
- अध्याय 13: नाभिक
- अध्याय 14: अर्धचालक – पदार्थ, युक्तियाँ तथा सरल परिपथ
- अध्याय 15: संचार व्यवस्था
- उत्तरमाला भाग 1
- उत्तरमाला भाग 2
The NCERT syllabus mainly focuses on this book to make it student-friendly to make it useful for both the students and the competitive exam aspirants. The book covers a detailed Physics based on the syllabuses of various boards. NCERT Physics Books for Class 12 is perfectly compatible with almost every Indian education state and central boards.